Silage is a type of fodder made from green foliage crops which have been preserved by acidification, achieved through fermentation. It can be fed to cattle, sheep and other such ruminants (cud-chewing animals).
Corn silage is a high-quality forage crop that is used on many dairy farms and on some beef cattle farms. Corn for silage fits ideally into no-till and double-cropping programs. The object of silage making is to preserve the harvested crop by anaerobic (without oxygen) fermentation
Corn silage is high-quality forage of crop used on almost every dairy farm and beef cattle farms worldwide as best feeding straw for animals. Its popularity is due to the high amount yielding of a very digestible, best quality energy crop. The ease of adapting it to mechanized harvesting and feeding is another plus point for this crop.
Silage is one of the popular forages used for animal feed because of its digestibility and high energy. Many of the characteristics of this silage make it attractive for many livestock producers. It is excellent forage for dairy cows.
We export silage from Pakistan throughout the Gulf. We offer one of the best quality maize silage which is not only reasonable in terms of quality but also prices.
High Yielding of Maize Silage
We make a detailed plan for the production of maize silage. We are one of the best silage manufacturers in Pakistan. Since silage is an essential component to make an efficient cropping system, our cropping plan is based on forage dry matter requirements. It helps us a lot in harvesting, drying, storing, and chopping maize silage. It is one of the best strategies to produce premium quality silage for export purposes.
We plant silage corn seeds at the start of the season. We take care of our crops regularly and keep them safe from calamities like drought, insect’s attacks, or any diseases.
Based on our premium precautionary measures, we are able to move a step ahead of our competitors and produce high yield.
maize silage gives livestock producers a high-yielding and relatively more consistent source of forage.
Bundling and Storing
Our maize silage bundling, packaging and storing criteria are second to none.
While packaging silage, we make sure that its nutrients don’t get wasted. We bundle it in 40 Kg, 80 Kg, 120 Kg, 200 Kg and 300 Kg round shape bale. Afterwards, bale is wrapped with plastic film, so its nutrients don’t get wasted. This Packaging technique makes it easy to transport and minimize any wastage.
Before exporting, we keep silage stored in our warehouses. Here it is stored at proper temperature without any sun exposure. Our maize silage can be stored for up to 3 years.
We export A+ quality of maize silage with controlled moisture. We never compromise on quality of our products.
We provide the services with customized packing as per customer’s requirement.