Bin-Yousaf Group


Highest Omega3

Our Omega3 eggs contains approx. 250mg Omega3 in each which is highest amount of Omega3 in Pakistan.


Our eggs are laid by happy and healthy hens daily, ensuring you get the freshest eggs possible.

Antibiotics Free

When Antibiotic is consumed by human body when not required, it reduces the effectiveness of Antibiotics when they are really needed. By producing our eggs Antibiotic free we ensure that we do not diminish the utility of Antibiotics in Human disease treatments.

We use Probiotics and Herbal products for preventing all bacterial diseases and a proprietary slow growth diet for preventing production stress on the chicken and thereby making them less vulnerable to disease.

Fortunately we have not encountered such situation until now, but if we are forced to use Antibiotics because of any bacterial infection, we would discard all those eggs with residues for a period prescribed by FDA for such an Antibiotic and the same will be informed to our consumers though our social media reach. Our aim is to make all eggs available in the market ‘Antibiotic Free. We are investing into State-Of-Art Biotechnology R&D to make animal products perfectly safe for human consumption.


Our eggs have No odor, To avoid use of antibiotics and chemicals, we use Probiotics and Herbal products for preventing all bacterial diseases and a proprietary slow growth diet for preventing production stress on the chicken and thereby making them less vulnerable to disease. We feed our birds with herbal vegetarian diet formulated by our expert to provide a balanced mix of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. This same proprietary diet, which took three years for our researchers to develop and clean handling of our eggs during collection and transport makes our Eggs Odorless.

Vegetarian Feed

We bring you unfertilized eggs from birds fed on Vegetarian diet. Vegetarian diet ensures that the birds are disease free and as healthy as can be. This in turn results in our Farm Fresh eggs being extremely nutritious with no harmful side effects for you.


Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, and we take pride in delivering the best of nature’s goodness to your plate.

Stronger Shell

Our genetically selected birds lay eggs are thicker and stronger. Additionally, our specially formulated feed ensures higher strength in egg shells. Stronger shells prevent breakage of eggs during transportation, hence preventing the probability of contamination of eggs. Also, it prevents breakage while carrying and boiling, leaving you happier with your intact eggs.

Nature’s Multivitamins

Farm Fresh Golden eggs are a single source of wide variety of vitamins. By being rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Selenium and also in Protein and Iodine these eggs contribute, in a big way, to your overall good health.



We are leader in establishing a complete food safety program to include vaccinations that help to prevent the transmitting of foodborne illnesses.

The application of all possible methods of protecting our products from recall for Salmonella Enteritis’s contamination is a very complex issue. However, below we outline the most critical steps in the process and designate the verification procedures.

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